Day 352 – Peter and Paul


  • 2 Peter 1:1-15
  • Philippians 1:12-26
  • 2 Timothy 4:1-8


Pray… a prayer of thankfulness for the selfless proclamation of the gospel that the apostles did all those years ago.

Day 352- Peter and Paul

Peter & Paul finish their life well & are prepared for eternity


  • Well, we’ve spent over a month looking at the lives of the early apostles, focusing in on Peter and Paul as we read through the book of Acts, and we come at last to their final teachings, as they look back on many years of proclaiming Christ to the world. What do you think their influence on the Christian church has been?
  • The verses we have read from Peter’s second letter, written to all Christians, remind us that if we have a good understanding of the gospel message, it should be changing us from the inside out. What things does Peter say to “add to your faith” in verses 2 Peter 1:5-7?
  • We trust in a gospel of grace, not of works, and we know that kindness and love don’t, by themselves, save us. Nevertheless, our lives should be filled with the practical attributes listed in these verses. Importantly, though, we should look to fill our lives with virtue, and self-control, and steadfastness and godliness because of what Peter says in verse  9 – it comes when we understand how we have been cleansed of our sins by Jesus.
  • Paul’s letter to the Philippians contains some of the most joyful passages in Scripture. Written from Paul’s jail cell, the letter called on the readers to persevere with thanksgiving and prayer even in the toughest of times, setting their sights on Jesus when they needed Him the most. How had Paul’s tough times helped him to “advance the gospel”?
  • Paul found ways to be encouraged even when he heard of the gospel being preached with the wrong motives. It seems some people were sharing the good news about Jesus for some selfish reasons, whatever they may have been. What did Paul think when he saw this? Verses Philippians 1:17-18 will tell you.
  • Philippians 1:21 is very powerful. Living on this earth as followers of Jesus is “Christ” – and when we die, it will be even more glorious! What did this logic lead Paul to think about in verses 23-24? What conclusions did he come to?
  • Underline the verses in this passage which have encouraged you as you read through them. You might also enjoy reading the beautiful words of Philippians 2:1-11 whilst you’re in this part of Scripture.
  • Paul’s second letter to Timothy gives some of Paul’s final teaching. What general things did he encourage Timothy to do in 2 Timothy 4:2-6?
  • Paul knew his life was almost at an end when he penned his words to Timothy. How did he summarise his life’s work? Had he continued to “run the race” for Jesus to the end, and finish well? How do you hope that you would sum up your Christian life when you come to your final days?


Paul and Peter were just men, of course. It’s Jesus to whom we turn for our salvation. But apostles such as these, and especially Paul, have shown what living with Christ at the centre of their hearts looks like. The gospel utterly transformed them from the inside out, and their lives overflowed with Christ’s message and love. From that point of view, there are few greater role models that you could look to as you “run your Christian race”.


Today marks the end of looking at Paul and his letters. Our reading plan doesn’t go through Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and all the other writings attributed to Paul in the way that we looked chapter-by-chapter at Acts. Instead, we have been dipping into these letters time and again throughout the last 352 days. We’ll continue to dip into them for the rest of our reading plan too, I’m glad to say! Tomorrow, however, the focal passages will bring us to the start of Revelations, which is an astonishing piece of writing which prophesies into the future and talks of end times. It’s exciting – and often bewildering!






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