Day 291 – Day Off


  • None… unless you need to catch up!


Pray… for something that is on your mind today.

Day 291 – Day Off



As we continue reading through the New Testament, I hope you’re gaining much from the deep dive we’re able to enjoy into the teaching of Jesus. It’s interesting just how much He had to talk to the Pharisees about healing on the Sabbath, wasn’t it? That clearly was the topic of the day at the time.


What might the topic of the day be today, if Jesus was to come today and speak to us like He did 2000 years ago? What would He challenge us on as a church, and you as a person? And… tough question… would you act like a Pharisee?


Enjoy your day off. Looking forward to chatting with you tomorrow, Jonah and Harry! And Anabel, when you get to this point, a warm hello to you too. I hope you’re enjoying your reading very much!






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