Day 247 – Jesus’ Baptism


  • Matthew 3
  • Luke 3:1-23
  • Isaiah 40:3-5


Pray… that you will see the Trinity clearly in today’s passages.

Day 247 – Jesus’ Baptism

John the Baptist’s ministry & honour of baptising Jesus


  • Having four gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry, albeit from differing perspectives, means that we often see more than one account of a specific event. This occurs today. We read today about the background of John the Baptist and some of the conversations he had, before going on to look at the baptism his cousin, Jesus.
  • Today’s events occur roughly around the time when Jesus was 30, give or take a few years. We’re reading the start of Jesus’ active ministry to the world, a period which would last for around three years. By the way, people can get baptised at any age!
  • How would you describe John, based on the two accounts we read today? What unusual things did we read about him?
  • Both Matthew and Luke quote the passage in Isaiah that we read as our third passage today. Why did they quote him, and who did they say Isaiah was talking about?
  • What did John say to the people, especially the Pharisees and Sadducees? You’ll hear a lot about these groups of Jewish teachers over the coming months. John’s talking in quite strong language, isn’t he? What shock was he preparing the people to hear about?
  • How did John speak about Jesus? Pick out some verses in both New Testament passages which refer to Jesus’ mission on earth, as well as how John viewed himself in comparison to Jesus.
  • Why do you think Jesus was baptised? Would it show that Jesus supported John’s words? Perhaps Jesus was identifying with the people He was coming to rescue? Can you think of anything else?
  • How do Matthew 3:16-17 and Luke 3:21-22 give us a clear indication of the Trinity? What is each “person” of the Trinity doing at this moment?


Jesus was baptised, and we continue to baptise Christians now in Jesus’ name. Have you been baptised? If so, why did you chose to do so?


If you were baptised at St Johns, you would have probably gone to baptism “classes” to understand why Christians do this. Can you remember what you learned?


Baptism is a public act of declaring your faith. For many it marks a moment when you say that you’re not just following Jesus because your parents have taught you so, but because you understand and confirm the Christian faith yourself. Baptism is not to be taken lightly, or on a whim.


When I was baptised, I thought of it as a bit of a watershed moment, when I would leave some sinful parts of my life behind and start walking afresh with God. In some areas, I succeeded. In others, not so. Think back to when you were baptised, if you have been, and consider for a moment whether you are walking more closely to Jesus than you were at that time. You should be able to say that you are, if you have taken the words you said at that time seriously.


If not, don’t let it get you down, but continue walking with Christ as best you can. Your reading this year is a great way that you have done this, so keep going!






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