Author: Jon
Day 255 – Jesus’ Healing in Jerusalem
Readings John 5 John 8:56-59 John 10:29-33 Prayer Pray… for clarity in today’s theology-filled passages and an understanding that Jesus is fully God. Day 255 – Jesus’ Healing in Jerusalem Jesus heals at a feast & claims to be God Today’s triple bill of passages from John have a running theme. Did you spot…
Day 254 – Jesus’ Second Miracle
Readings John 4:43-54 Luke 4:14-30 Isaiah 61:1-3 Prayer Pray… for a faith that trusts in Jesus, like that of the nobleman we read about today. Day 254 – Jesus’ Second Miracle Jesus heals the nobleman’s son & Nazareth rejects Jesus Our passage in John today shows Jesus performing his second recorded miracle. Jesus had…
Day 253 – Jesus’ Ministry Grows
Readings John 3:22-36 John 4:1-42 2 Kings 17:24-41 Prayer Pray… that you will seek the living water that Jesus gives, rather than the temporary alternative of dirty water that sin provides. Day 253 – Jesus’ Ministry Grows Jesus’ baptisms grow & the Samaritan woman at the well Did you know that John the Baptist…
Day 252 – Jesus’ Passover at Jerusalem
Readings John 2:13-25 John 3:1-21 1 Peter 1:23 Prayer Pray… that your view of Jesus will be challenged today and that you’ll learn something new about Him. Day 252 – Jesus’ Passover at Jerusalem Cleansing the temple, Nicodemus, & being born again Many people think they know Jesus. They may well not “know” the…
Day 251 – Jesus’ First Miracle
Readings John 2:1-12 Isaiah 24:11 John 13:1 Prayer Pray… that we will be encouraged by stories of Jesus’ miracles, but not desire to see them ourselves for us to believe. Day 251 – Jesus’ First Miracle Water to wine You will know that the bible records Jesus performing many miracles and we’ll read about lots…
Day 250 – Jesus’ First Disciples
Readings John 1:15-51 Deuteronomy 18:15-19 1 Peter 1:18-19 Prayer Pray… that you will follow Jesus faithfully, and that you would delight in seeing others doing the same. Day 250 – Jesus’ First Disciples John the Baptist points people to Jesus the Lamb of God The passage in John starts with words which sound familiar. What…
Day 249 – Day Off
Readings None… unless you need to catch up! Prayer Pray… for something that is on your mind today. Day 249 – Day Off Well, as you can’t have failed to notice, it’s the start of a new term. I hope you have many happy memories of the summer we’ve had, and whatever else…
Day 248 – Jesus’ Temptation
Readings Matthew 4:1-11 Deuteronomy 8:1-3 1 John 2:15-16 Prayer Pray… that you will stand firm against temptations and those who seek to drag you away from Jesus. Day 248 – Jesus’ Temptation A 40-day fast, the Bible, & three types of temptation (flesh/eyes/pride) When we commit ourselves to God – such as in an…
Day 247 – Jesus’ Baptism
Readings Matthew 3 Luke 3:1-23 Isaiah 40:3-5 Prayer Pray… that you will see the Trinity clearly in today’s passages. Day 247 – Jesus’ Baptism John the Baptist’s ministry & honour of baptising Jesus Having four gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry, albeit from differing perspectives, means that we often see more than one…
Day 246 – Jesus’ Childhood
Readings Matthew 2 Micah 5:2-5 Luke 2:41-52 Prayer Pray… and remember that God’s plans will never be thwarted by human schemes. Day 246 – Jesus’ Childhood Jesus’ birth, promise, circumcision, & the mystery of Godliness The story of the visit of the wise men, which I mentioned yesterday, occurs today. The order of the reading…