Author: Jon
Day 265 – Jesus’ Demands of Discipleship
Readings Matthew 8:18-22 Luke 9:43-62 Matthew 16:24-26 Prayer Pray… for a heart that seeks to put following Jesus before everything else. Day 265 – Jesus’ Demands of Discipleship To follow Jesus is to make Him your first priority The inescapable message of today’s passages is the challenge of following Jesus, and the inevitable challenges,…
Day 264 – Jesus’ Healings in Capernaum & Nain
Readings Luke 7:1-16 Matthew 8:5-17 Isaiah 53:4 Prayer Pray… for someone by name that you know is unwell at this time. Day 264 – Jesus’ Healings in Capernaum & Nain The centurion, the widow’s son, & Peter’s mother The pace slows back today as we focus in on two subjects: Jesus’ ability to heal…
Day 263 – Day Off
Readings None… unless you need to catch up! Prayer Pray… for something that is on your mind today. Day 263 – Day Off Ever had a really busy day? I remember once when I was up at 7:00 to pick up a van from Northwich, helped my mum move a cow on the…
Day 262 – Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount
Readings Matthew 5 Matthew 6 Luke 6:17-49 Prayer Pray… for good quality, peaceful time with God’s word today. You’ll need longer than usual. At the end of your time, pray a prayer about anything that’s specifically challenged you (or otherwise use Matthew 6:24 or 6:33 as a basis) Day 262 – Jesus’ Sermon on the…
Day 261 – Jesus’ Choosing of the 12
Readings Luke 6:1-16 Mark 3:1-21 John 15:12-17 Prayer Pray… for each person in your family, especially if you have given them a hard time recently. Day 261 – Jesus’ Choosing of the 12 Jesus prays all night, chooses 12 apostles, & is criticised by family Much of what we read today is building on…
Day 260 – Jesus’ Ministry to Sinners
Readings Luke 5:29-32 Luke 7:36-50 Luke 18:9-14 Prayer Pray… a prayer of thankfulness that Jesus came to be with, love, and ultimately save sinners like you and me. Day 260 – Jesus’ Ministry to Sinners Jesus eats with sinners & forgives them Luke takes the stage today, with a selection of passages all relating…
Day 259 – Jesus’ Healings in Capernaum
Readings Luke 5:12-26 Mark 1:32-45 Mark 2:1-12 Prayer Pray… that you will be keen to find out more about Jesus, like the people, rather than look for ways to dismiss him, like the Pharisees. Day 259 – Jesus’ Healings in Capernaum Jesus heals a leper & a paralytic is lowered through a roof We…
Day 258 – Jesus’ Disciples Called
Readings Matthew 4:18-25 Luke 5:1-11 Matthew 9:9-13 Prayer Pray… that you would be as willing to follow Jesus as the men we read about today. Day 258 – Jesus’ Disciples Called Jesus calls people to begin following Him Imagine you could compile your dream team in something that interests you (i.e. the perfect football…
Day 257 – Jesus’ Ministry at Capernaum
Readings Matthew 4:12-17 Isaiah 9:1-2 Luke 4:31-44 Prayer Pray… that through reading today of Jesus’ healings, you would trust that he is with you in tough times and loves you completely. Day 257 – Jesus’ Ministry at Capernaum John the Baptist is jailed & Jesus heals people The bulk of today’s focus is on…
Day 256 – Day Off
Readings None… unless you need to catch up! Prayer Pray… for something that is on your mind today. Day 256 – Day Off Normally around about now we’d be having the Eureka BBQ. Suffice to say it ain’t happening this year (at least not yet) but hopefully we’ll be meeting up again very…