Author: Jon
Day 275 – Jesus’ Confrontation of the Pharisees
Readings Mark 7 Matthew 15:1-31 Isaiah 29:13-14 Prayer Pray… for your fight against sin. Think of some sin you’re working hard at in your life to get rid of, and pray that you are doing it not just to be legalistic, but because you want to honour God by not doing it. Day 275 –…
Day 274 – Jesus’ Boat to Capernaum
Readings Mark 6:30-56 Matthew 14:13-36 John 6 Prayer Pray… that as we read about the feeding of the 5,000, that you will see that Jesus didn’t just provide bread, but the bread of life. Day 274 – Jesus’ Boat to Capernaum Feeding the 5000, walking on water, & the Bread of Life Quite a few…
Day 273 – John the Baptist’s Murder
Readings Matthew 14:1-12 Mark 6:14-31 Matthew 11:11-12 Prayer Pray… that whatever good or bad happens to you in this world, that no thing and no person can separate you from the love of Christ. Day 273 – John the Baptist’s Murder Herod beheads John the Baptist for his wife, Herodias Today’s passages recount a…
Day 272 – Jesus’ New Teaching Style
Readings Matthew 13 Isaiah 6:8-10 Psalm 78:1-4 Prayer Pray… that through Jesus’ parables, you may understand great and powerful truth in the most simple of messages. Pray that you will see the gospel as the most valuable thing that anyone could ever have. Day 272 – Jesus’ New Teaching Style After Israel’s rejection, Jesus starts…
Day 271 – Jesus’ ‘Work’ on the Sabbath
Readings Matthew 12 Hosea 6:6 Isaiah 42:1-4 Prayer Pray… that if you are known as a Christian amongst your friend, and I know you will be, that your “fruit” – i.e. the actions you do and the things you say – will be good and honouring to Jesus. Day 271 – Jesus’ ‘Work’ on the…
Day 270 – Day Off
Readings None… unless you need to catch up! Prayer Pray… for something that is on your mind today. Day 270 – Day Off We’re cracking through the days now. Did you know that there were less than 100 days to go now until the end of the year? That’s right – we’re…
Day 269 – Jesus’ Sending of the 12
Readings Matthew 10 Micah 7:5-7 Mark 6:7-13 Prayer Pray… for confidence in sharing your faith, and encouragement when it’s hard or when people don’t want to know. Day 269 – Jesus’ Sending of the 12 Jesus prepares the 12 for conflict & sends them out Jesus has brought His group of disciples together, spending…
Day 268 – Jesus’ Ministry at Sea of Galilee #2
Readings Luke 8:41-56 Mark 5:21-43 Matthew 9:14-38 Prayer Pray… that you will completely trust in Jesus, despite the privileges and comparative luxury in which we are fortunate to live. Day 268 – Jesus’ Ministry at Sea of Galilee #2 Jesus heals a daughter & a haemorrhaging woman Jairus was an official at a synagogue.…
Day 267 – Jesus’ Ministry at Sea of Galilee
Readings Luke 8:19-40 Mark 4:35-41 Mark 5:1-20 Prayer Pray… a prayer of thankfulness that Jesus is Lord over all creation, and that one day we will live in a perfect new creation. Day 267 – Jesus’ Ministry at Sea of Galilee Jesus calms the sea & casts out Legion Why do you think it’s…
Day 266 – John the Baptist’s Doubts
Readings Luke 7:18-35 Matthew 11 Isaiah 35:3-6 Prayer Pray… for comfort and clarity over areas of your Christian faith where you have struggle or doubt. Day 266 – John the Baptist’s Doubts John questions Jesus from prison & Jesus comments on John Doubt will be an issue for us all throughout our Christian lives.…