Day 312 – Day Off


  • None… unless you need to catch up!


Pray… for something that is on your mind today.

Day 312 – Day Off



It seems supremely fitting that today should be Remembrance Sunday with the reading we’re going to have tomorrow, which recounts the moment that Jesus was nailed to his cross.


As we remember those who gave their lives sacrificially in the wars of the last 100 years to give us freedom, don’t forget that we are also remembering the greatest sacrifice in all humanity – Jesus the Lamb, standing in our place, bringing us perfect freedom from sin and death.


This next week should give us ample time to consider how wonderful it is that Christ went to the cross in our place. We’re going to spend quite a bit of time thinking about events *whilst* Jesus was on the cross – and of course the glorious resurrection to come.


This week – maybe of all weeks in the entire plan – are the most amazing: the death and resurrection of our Saviour. The readings should hit you smack in the face like a church pillar!






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