Day 294 – Jesus’ Teachings on Forgiveness


  • Luke 17
  • Proverbs 24:16
  • Psalm 50:22-231


Pray… for a chance to be a “servant” this week. That means a chance to serve (even if it’s just at home) without expecting any thanks or payment.

Day 294 – Jesus’ Teachings on Forgiveness

Jesus teaches on forgiveness & heals 10 lepers


  • Start today’s session with a look at the story of the unworthy servant, in Luke 17:7-10. At first it might seem like Jesus was teaching that a master is allowed to be rude or inconsiderate to his servants. That’s not really the case though. Can you see the meaning? Imagine we’re the servants and God is the master. Does God owe us anything at all? Conversely, is there anything we have that we don’t owe back to God?
  • If you’re struggling, consider Jesus’ teaching in the opening verses. It’s an example of why it’s important that you don’t just read a small piece of Scripture and expect to instantly understand it. It needs context and explanation (and that applies throughout the bible – you should never limit your understanding of how to be a Christian on a few select verses!).
  • Notice that (not for the first time), Luke recorded that Jesus was making his way to Jerusalem (verse 11). We’ll read about His triumphal entrance into the city at around day 300 and, as I’m sure you’ll be aware, that marks the start of his final week before His death. We’ll have to wait until next week for that though!
  • Jesus cleansed ten lepers from their illness in Luke 17:11-19. What was unique about one of the lepers? Where was he from, and what did he choose to do?
  • The lepers who didn’t return were undoubtedly pleased at being healed, but they didn’t think it important enough to return to Jesus to thank and praise Him. One man did. What did Jesus say to him? How had “his faith made him well” in a different way to the other lepers? Consider how Jesus came to heal more than just the body. Was this man “more” healed?
  • How did Jesus describe the Kingdom of God? Why might this be confusing to the Jews listening?
  • Describe how Jesus talked about His second return to earth. What will that be like?
  • What were (and still are) the warnings from Jesus as we wait for His return? What must we be careful about? How did He link in His return with that of the sudden events of Noah’s time? Be careful not to think that Jesus was talking of eating, drinking, buying and selling as sins. How, then, can we be prepared for His return, if indeed it comes during our lifetime? Do you live in expectation of Jesus’ return? If even the idea of that seems odd to you, why?



Forgiveness – now that’s a challenge, isn’t it? Luke 17:3-4 shows Jesus encouraging radical forgiveness. Surely we should forgive once or twice, but seven times? And of course, Jesus wasn’t saying that we shouldn’t forgive an eight time either. We should forgive and forgive and forgive again!


Forgiveness this radical can only come from a heart that understands what it has already been forgiven for. If you struggle with forgiveness, spend a moment or two considering what you have being forgiven by God for, perhaps time and time again. Can the forgiveness that you’re called to show to others ever come close to the forgiveness you have already received?


Forgiveness is powerful to do, to receive and to see in others. It’s extraordinary. Is there some situation that you know which could be transformed with some genuine forgiveness on your part? Could you, in the light of the forgiveness you’ve received, make some amazing decisions to forgive this week?






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