- Luke 14
- Proverbs 11:2
- Proverbs 25:6-7
Pray… for a humble attitude that puts God in first place – and others in second. We are third!
Day 290 – Jesus’ Teachings at a Sabbath Meal
The parable of the supper, pride, & humility
- Today’s engaging readings give us great insight into Jesus’ counter-cultural teachings about “greatness”, and the way we should consider ourselves in what we do and say.
- Think about a time in your life when you were honoured, such as when you won something or came top in a quiz. How did it make you feel? What about a time when you were shamed? How much did it hurt? Ever since Adam and Eve felt shame at their nakedness, we (as humans) spend much of our time trying to earn the praise of others and avoid rejection. Is this true for you? Do you sometimes make choices to earn your friends’ praise above that of God’s praise?
- What was Jesus teaching about in the parable of the wedding feast? Why was it foolish to seek your own honour in this situation? God opposes the proud… but He loves the humble!
- Look at the parable of the great banquet. A man arranged a banquet and invited all those who would normally be expected to attend (the popular, the rich, the important). They all made excuses as to why they couldn’t come – and very poor excuses too! The man then invited in all the poor, crippled, blind and lame to come and enjoy the riches of the feast instead. This was more than just a story about including everyone, important as that might be. Can you see Jesus’ subtle teaching?
- If you’re struggling, consider the man to be Jesus, and the feast to be a banquet in heaven. The initial weddings guests are the Jews, and the poor/blind people are the Gentiles. Can you see now what Jesus’ teaching may be?
- Following Jesus requires humility and an understanding of the costs involved (as well as the joyful rewards). To hammer this point home, He used hyperbole in Luke 4:25-27.
- On the same point, look at 14:28-30. Jesus linked our following of Him to a builder. A naive follower of Jesus might see the blessings but be blind to the difficulties or costs of claiming Christ as Lord, and give up on their faith. It’s like a builder who starts a tower with the dream of the completed building without realising what it would cost to get there, and fails to complete it. Does this help you to evaluate the way you are following Jesus?
If you have an extra few minutes, consider how you can live out this teaching practically. I’m sure in many situations you are working hard at humbling yourself and exalting others. But where are you not? Can you think of one area of your life where you can reconsider your own self-importance?
Each of us has something that we use to big ourselves up. Perhaps you’re the funny one in the group, always cracking a joke to encourage people to enjoy your company. Perhaps you’re the intelligent one, or the one who speaks a little louder than everyone else, or the one who always has a story to tell, or an achievement that defines you each week, such as sporting victories. We can all use these to arm ourselves to look good, fit in and seek the praise of others.
I’m not knocking fun personalities or enjoying talking about the highs in our lives. That’s great, of course. But I wonder whether you have the humility to step back from time to time, and let others take the limelight. I’ve found this tough at times. I like to crack jokes so people want to be with me. I like people to be impressed by my cooking. I want to be the one people come to, to share news. But it’s not about me! I’ve had to teach myself many times, and I still need teaching!
And of course, we need to consider whether we are humble before God too. How can you practically show humility to God – and with your friends – this week?
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