Day 279 – Jesus’ Transfiguration


  • Matthew 17
  • Luke 9:28-45
  • 2 Peter 1:16-21


Pray… in thankfulness that through Jesus we become part of God’s family, and God can speak of us as “beloved”.

Day 279 – Jesus’ Transfiguration

Peter’s experience on the mountain & his comments on scripture


  • The Transfiguration is a major milestone in the life of Jesus (along with other things like His baptism, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension). Matthew, Mark and Luke all describe it. This is the only miracle that occurs to Jesus Himself, rather than to other people.
  • This isn’t the first time that we read of an event where only Jesus’ closest disciples were with him. Who were they? What other stories have we read that only have a small set of the disciples? Do you think there is any significance in this?
  • We’ve discussed the events of the Transfiguration before in our notes. Can you remember what the appearances of Moses and Elijah signified? Think about what they might have referenced in the Old Testament.
  • Was Jesus shown as being equal to Elijah and Moses, or greater? At the end of the event, who was the only one who remained?
  • What factors in this event shows the truth in Jesus’ claim that He was the Son of God?
  • A voice – God the Father – encouraged the men (and us!) to “listen to Jesus”. This showed them that they could trust that Jesus’ words as being of God. If you believe this too, why do you find it difficult to always follow them?
  • This event shows Jesus being the connecting point – the sole redeemer – bringing together human beings and God, earth and heaven, and the temporary and the eternal. Take a moment to think about what this actually means! It’s mind-bending!
  • Read the passage in 2 Peter 1 at least twice. Peter was at the Transfiguration, and his words added further context to the events. What challenge do you think Peter was answering when he wrote these verses?
  • Can the words of Peter help you today?
  • Why do you think the disciples couldn’t heal the boy with epilepsy, back in the passage in Luke? What was Jesus’ response to them?


I wonder if you knew what the Transfiguration was before you read today. It’s one of those terms you might have heard of, but not known. Perhaps not… maybe you did already know (if so, sorry for being presumptuous!).


Either way, what have you learned today? You’ve learned about happened at the Transfiguration, who witnessed it and who appeared with Jesus. But now – at the end of your readings and notes, could you explain any better what the significance of it was?


Think about the following:


1) What purpose was there to show the disciples that Jesus was no mere human?
2) Would the disciples have responded differently to Jesus after this?
3) How would the disciples’ understanding of Moses and Elijah changed after this event?
4) What does this teach us about Jesus?


Through this event, Jesus’ disciples were given a glimpse at who Jesus really was. The disciples saw His true glory. They might not have understood everything initially, but this would help them (in time) to understand more of Jesus’ mission. For them, and for us, it also teaches us that the Law (Moses) and the messages of the prophets (Elijah) all give way to Jesus.


In simpler terms, Jesus is the fulfilment of both.


Make sure that you know this in your head and pray that it takes root in your heart, especially now that you know the Old Testament and how the Law and the prophets used to work.






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