- None… unless you need to catch up!
Pray… for something that is on your mind today.
Day 263 – Day Off
Ever had a really busy day? I remember once when I was up at 7:00 to pick up a van from Northwich, helped my mum move a cow on the farm, did some other jobs, and then I took the van to Manchester to pick up lots of heavy furniture (which took a long time to manoeuvre out of my grandparents house!) and took some of it to my mum’s house and some of it to mine.
I was pretty shattered by the time I had finally dropped the van back off and I was home – at least 12 hours later!
In the end, however, it was all worth it. I had helped my grandparents get rid of some stuff from their house (they are moving house) and I was able to take one of their beds and replace my old one which was rather broken and sagging in places. It had been held up with a couple of books before! Now I’ve got a lovely mattress and a great bed to support it. I sleep much better!
Sometimes good things do take a lot of work to achieve, don’t they? Exams, perhaps, or busy long training sessions to become good at football, or tennis, or gymnastics. But the goal is all the sweeter when it’s achieved, just like my lovely relaxing sleep I sometimes get to enjoy!
In a small way, this bible in a year course is a little like that. I bet you’re looking forward to the final days when you can say you’ve read God’s Word for a full year. That will – rightly – be a great moment.
Even more vital, however, is the realisation that our lives are like that too. We live for Christ – even when it’s tough – because we know that at the end, God’s grace and our faith are achieving an eternal glory that is worth more than we can ever imagine. We know that our works don’t save, of course, but we do aim to live a life that is honouring to Jesus, and that’s hard. It takes sacrifice and perseverance. But in the end, it is *so* worth it!
Be encouraged with this message as we continue on through September and beyond!
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