Day 249 – Day Off


  • None… unless you need to catch up!


Pray… for something that is on your mind today.

Day 249 – Day Off



Well, as you can’t have failed to notice, it’s the start of a new term. I hope you have many happy memories of the summer we’ve had, and whatever else you have enjoyed doing in those long six weeks, even with Covid-19 around. I hope you enjoy getting back into your classes after this extended time away.


You probably found, if you didn’t know before, that there is an odd thing that happens when the structure of school goes away – you seem to find even *less* time for reading! I expect for a few of you, the expected long hours of time to catch up in your reading haven’t materialised as you might have hoped. On the other hand, I know that some of you are doing very well indeed when it comes to committing time to God each and every day. Well done if so!


I hope the new term brings increased normality, and will provide a good structure to finish off the last hundred days or so of reading that we now have.






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